How to assess a complex marine energy project in less than one hour? That was the challenge faced by students of Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences at the Offshore Energy Symposium on 26th January 2023.
Marine energy challenge
Peter Scheijgrond, CEO of Bluespring, introduced students to marine energy and explained the game's rules. Three groups were formed that would assess business cases for:
a wave energy farm in the Caribbean
a bridge with tidal turbines integrated for Oman
a windfarm in Australia with offshore floating solar integrated
The students were in luck because three seasoned technology developers joined the groups to share, their insights with the students: Luc Hogervorst of WECO The Wave Energy Collective, Frank van Bodegraven of AE Wave HexaPod and Gerard van Manshanden of Fish Flow Innovations.
Can electricity be produced at a lower cost?
Each group designed a layout of their project and made assumptions for installed capacity, full load hours, Annual Energy Production, lifetime, availability, CAPEX, and OPEX in order to calculate a simple Levelised Cost of Energy (LCoE) for the project. Figures were found using Google or given by the experts. In just under an hour, each group came with realistic LCoEs, ranging from 150 to 800 EUR per MWh, showing that electricity can be produced at a lower cost than the current market prices for electricity.
More about ORE e-learning
Are you interested in marine energy and would like to learn more? Why not take a look at these courses, developed by Deftiq and Bluespring:
These courses have been developed by experts in the field and funded under the INTERREG ENCORE project.
We are available for masterclasses
Would you like to host a Masterclass at your institute? Then reach out to us at contact and we would be happy to discuss the possibilities.
Thanks to Peter Scheijgrond for, moderating the Masterclass, Johan Antonissen for including us in the program, the motivated students and experts for the positive energy and Sia Windig for photography.